Sea Grape - Male - Coccoloba Uvifera Red Veins & Petiole

  • Code: 598_plant
  • Fruit Description: Sea Grape fruit is an edible berry occurring in long bunches like a grape, they turn from green to dark purple or red when ripe. Each fruit has one seed. The skin is a bit thicker than a grape.
  • Plant growing Height and Width for pots or in the ground planting: Grows to 2.5 metres high by 2 metres wide if Planted in a Pot. Grows 5 metres high by 4 metres wide if Planted in the Ground.
  • Uses: Eat the Sea Grape fruit fresh, or make it into jam.
  • Flowers : The Sea Grape flowers occur in long bunches. They are fragrant and white.
  • Growing Conditions: Sea Grape is a small very hardy tree, growing to 5 metres high. It is an attractive unusual looking tree, with huge round to heart-shaped plate-sized leaves and bunches of fruit. Plant Sea Grapes in a sunny position, in well-drained slightly sandy soil. Water it well in dry weather. Feed it with general fertiliser every 2 years. It is tolerant to wind, coastal conditions including salty winds, and can tolerate light frost.
  • Pollination Requirements: Male and Female flowers occur on separate trees, you need both a Male and a Female plant to pollinate, so the Female bears fruit. The Male plant has prominent red leaf veins, and leaf stem. The Female Sea Grape has subtle green or pale pink veins and leaf stem.
  • Harvest Time: Pick the fruit when they are dark purple or red and slightly soft.
  • Plant Family: Polygonaceae
Inner Packaging:
  • Weight: 0.55 kg
  • Length: 10.00 cm
  • Width: 10.00 cm
  • Height: 80.00 cm
  • Botanical Name : Coccoloba uvifera cm
  • $13.00

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